May 3, 2005
Bellhaven, North Carolina
Arrived here after a long day trip from pretty Beaufort, N.C.( pronounced as bow-fort as different from Beaufort S.C. pronounced as beu-fort ) travelling a distance away from the notorious Cape Hatteras. This Cape eats boats and spits them up on the rocks like mellon seeds. So as to stay in safe waters and not be snack food we took the ICW. We cruise canals, back rivers, ditchs and across Pamlico River, a large body of water more like a Sound to continue on back into the safe area again called Pungo River. We had left at 9:15 A.M. to arrive at 5:00 P.M. A long day but good weather and small roll.
Now, before getting to Beaufort N.C. we enjoyed the southern city of Charlston S.C. The houses are old and have many nice gardens including the churchs also. There is much more to say about southern living and this cities history but another time. Of interest also was the small port of Surf City. Sleepy little town waiting for the summer crowds. The beach had polished stones and nice shells including finding a small sharks tooth. Local history story tellers have it that a German sub was sunk just off shore in 42’ and 33 sailors taken as prisoners, many of the crew went down with the ship These were the first prisoners of war to be interned in the US since 1812. Guess that makes the sub and her crew another type of food for Posieden and Cape Hatteras, The Crystal Coast.
Now we will be headed for Elizabeth City and the Dismal Swamp Canal and Locks.
Must mention the seafood has not stopped being incredible. Soon we’ll try a roast of beef just to make a change of menu. Eat your heart out Cape Hatteras. Eh!
Loopers on the return.
Ted, Pat, David and Susan