October 18, 2004
Now headed down hill, starting at 414 feet above sea level at the top end, the Tenn-Tom is the Tennessee and the Tombigbee Rivers shortened by a massive canal 234 miles long, 300 feet wide and 9 feet depth with 10 locks, providing lifts down 341 feet. 14 million gallons of water to fill one chamber. Once again I have to say REALLY BIG!
Attached photos show how we handle the lift down. We have been lucky not having to wait to long by calling lockmaster ahead of time they let us known who’s locking in up or down. Tows can take 2 or more hours and they get first choice.
Weather has been overcast and raining but now is warming up even with rain still around us.The scenery is pretty and better than descriptions in manuals. Lots of birds on shore. Still not seeing much colour in the trees but it has been so dry here that they may just go brown after we pass.
Since putting new nozzles on the injectors the black soot has reduced but not entirely, and we picked up a couple of RPM’s. Will still travel at our 2700-2800 RPM’s giving us approx: 10-11 MPH using down river current maybe 12-13 MPH.(8.6-9.6knots).
Today we are at Midway Marina and are borrowing a courtesy van and will shop. The propane tank finally ran out on us while cooking dinner, does’t it always do that .not before not after but right in the middle. Not to mention being out of wine and we are in dry counties, so may need to get some local moonshine.Just Kidding! We did see some corn whiskey for sale in Nashville at 80 proof but took a pass on it.Yeeeee..Haw.
Ted, Pat, Dave, Sue.